In Arx, the component is the basic building block of hardware, comparable to a module in Verilog or the entity-architecture combination in VHDL.
The code below shows one of the simplest components that one could describe in Arx (say, the hello world of Arx). It represents a single register. So, at each rising edge of the clock the component copies the data at its input to its output.
component top T_IO : generic type = bitvector(8) data_in : in T_IO data_out : out T_IO register storage : T_IO = 0 begin storage = data_in data_out = storage end
The code contains the following information:
. It is a generic type which means that the type can be given a value at instantiation time.T_IO
is bitvector(8)
which represents a bundle of 8 binary signals numbered 7 down to 0. The page dedicated to Arx data types gives more information on available data types.data_in
is an input signal of the component as indicated by the keyword in
is an output signal of the component as indicated by the keyword out
with the same width as data_in
and data_out
. data_in
connects to the input of this register, and data_out
to the output. =
represents a signal assignment, a connection from the right-hand side to the left-hand side.=
is also used to specify the reset value of registers. The language requires that all registers have a reset value.The example below is a somewhat more sophisticated design. Next to a register, it has some combinational logic. It represents a clearable accumulator which adds a sequence of numbers and outputs the result.
component top wl: generic integer = 12 T_in : generic type = signed(wl , 1) T_out: generic type = signed(wl-2, 1, sat, round) T_sum: generic type = signed(wl+5, 6) clear: in bit data_in : in T_in data_out: out T_out variable sum: T_sum register r: T_sum = 0 begin if clear == 1 sum = data_in else sum = r + data_in end r = sum data_out = r end
and wire sum
. Wires (signals that do not keep their value across clock cycles) are declared after keyword variable
is high. This is expressed by the if statement which is presented in more detail in the section on Arx statements.The pseudo-code below lists all possible constituents of a component.
component <component name> <generic declarations> <generic type declarations> <i/o declarations> <constant declarations> <type declarations> <register declarations> <variable declarations> <subcomponent instantiations> begin <statements> end
The top-level component needs to be called top
in the current version
of Arx.